


I use this blog to dump setup guides that actually works on my rig either because I can't find even one document with default setup about it or It's massively way too outdated and updating it will take a massive pain in the butt.

I'm also using blog to write some quick journal to practice my writing and secretly just want to say things out. There's also some links I post as a bookmark and reminder whenever I need for quick references.

You can contact me via Gitlab or Github.

Past projects

AMRG-MRC - Rust, VISA, libftdi, SolidJS, Webkit, Bootstrap

A software designed for Telecommunications Engineers at Electrical Engineering University of Indonesia to automate and accelerate some of the most demanding task to measure antenna equipment. Features additional analysis such as Radiation Pattern, Polarization, and Axial Ratio.

Littlezip - Typescript, Deno

Memory-friendly basic zip utility for deno framework. Provides basic compression, decompression, and single file extraction optimised for memory efficiency and portability across many systems.


Downhost - Typescript, SQLite, Deno, SolidJS, ViteJS

An advanced, self-hosted webapp catalog and comic reader. Offers basic tag search and quick gallery archiving for some services.


Vercel-deno-runtime - Typescript, Javascript, Serverless

A runtime for vercel that allows you to write serverless framework under deno runtime. The runtime follows NowRequest and NowResponse type so you don't have to fully rewrite it and only require minimal adjustment for those who came from nodejs runtime.


LittleDot - C#, UWP

Littledot was a one-click utility for using DNS over TLS for Windows 10. The app encrypts and authenticates all DNS traffic to prevent hijacking, eavesdropping, and manipulation of its data via man-in-the-middle attacks.

MS Store


Benchcompare - Deno, Serverless

Benchcompare was a comparator website that allows you to watch two different PC setup running a game benchmark at the same time. Used as a demo to use deno as javascript runtime.

Cafeine - C#, UWP

Cafeine was a simple app that helps people to sync multiple accounts across all services. It also improves your watching experience by updating your list while watching your favorite show on the fly.